Cost Effective Protein Boost With Mega Go Protein

Looking for a cost effective protein powder? Our Mega Go Protein complex is a high protein boost in an economy blend. Without losing impact or quality, but built for those training hard and in need of large quantities!

Large Tubs

Available in 2kg and 4kg tubs, our Mega Go Protein is built for those needing big quantities at great prices. If you are training hard and want to keep your protein at an optimal level, it is best to take a serving around 1 hour before your training, followed by another immediately afterwards. Read more information on when you should use protein powder here.

Great Flavours

Available in great flavours: Chocolate Mint, Strawberry Delight, Tropical Banana, Velvet Vanilla, Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Hazelnut, and Jamaican Coconut; there is bound to be a flavour for everyone.

Economy with Quality

There’s no reason to skimp on quality when creating a cost effective economy blend of protein powder. With the Mega Go Protein formula, you get 28g of muscle building protein per serving and there are a huge 100 servings per 4kg tub.

This is a great daily protein blend, and with all the great flavours, you won’t get bored! See our Protein Powder shop for all the varieties.

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