Build Up To Bodybuilding

Are you considering starting some weight training and bodybuilding? Here are some top tips to build up to it safely.

Tips for building up to bodybuilding safely

  • Learn good form – Learning good form using weights is an important part of the journey. If you dive in with no instruction, you can end up hurt. Alongside the safety aspect, your progress will be hindered without good form.
  • Be aware of any old injuries – All too often people take up a new workout regimen without fully taking into account any old injuries. Especially if they involve core or back issues – these can derail training quickly and cause permanent damage. If you take them into account and advise your trainer, you can save yourself a world of pain.
  • Add more protein to your diet – Eat more eggs, chicken, fish, milk and nuts. You will notice that it is sometimes hard to eat as much protein as you need in bodybuilding, so adding protein shakes into your routine is a good idea.
Compression clothing
  • Steer clear of processed and sugary foods – If you want to work towards being a bodybuilder, you will need to cut out the junk and work with foods that will give your body long-lasting fuel and nutrition.
  • Stick to dumbbells and barbells to start – It’s easy to get drawn in by all the high tech equipment at gyms, but actually, using free weights is the most effective when starting out your journey to bodybuilding. They also encourage good form!

Try our training and recovery formula powder for your post workout protein fix!

Know Your Protein

Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, as well as overall health. Set a protein target and then use these tips to ensure you achieve your goal. It’s not as easy through food as you think.

Whey Proteins

The first step is to add whey protein to everything, it reduces solid food consumption while boosting protein safely.

Prepare in advance to help stay on track

If making a shake then use milk, it will increase protein intake further.

Don’t forget to combine different protein sources, it makes meals more interesting.

Eat extra meals if you need extra protein, you can prepare them in advance.

Have a nighttime snack of yogurt, milk, and casein protein, perfect for sleeping on.

Remember to keep track to ensure you hit your target and no more. Other nutrients will still required.

strong woman is drinking sports nutrition

Know your protein

Once you have established a routine, it is very easy to stay on track with your protein. You will find inventive ways to add it to your diet, and to change up your meals to ensure it doesn’t get boring.

Use the Mega GoProtein Lean complex to help boost your intake.

What is Whey Protein Powder?

Whey is from milk, and a bi-product of cheese production – it is very high in protein. What better way to utilise this extra protein than to make whey protein powder. Once it is a powder it is used to make protein bars, or flavoured to make shakes.

Reasons to use whey protein powder

  • If you are a body builder looking to build lean muscle
  • If you are training hard for an event, and need the energy
  • If you are on a reduced carb diet and want to stay sated

What is in our GoProtein whey protein powders?

The Goprotein Research Laboratory has spent years fine tuning our whey protein powders. Our high protein powders have concentrated whey protein and amino acids to aid in building muscle mass. Choose from a range of great flavours so that you can always enjoy your whey protein shakes.

How can whey protein help you?

Whey protein powder can not only help build lean muscle mass for body builders, it can also work wonders to reduce muscle soreness after high intensity training. Your body needs an energy boost after workouts, so a whey protein powder shake is the perfect post-training fix.