Does Alcohol Reduce Performance?

No matter how good you try to be, there are times when it’s impossible to say no to the big night out. You have to know whether your alcohol consumption is going to affect your performance for your training session the next day.

Simply put, the answer is yes. It will affect your performance.

How does alcohol reduce performance?

Alcohol reduces your ability to absorb nutrients, effectively reducing your energy production, slowing you down. This also impedes muscle recovery.

Additionally, it can increase the risk of you being injured while exercising.

Long term impacts of alcohol

Habitual use can decrease the negative performance but also reduces the size of muscle fibers, limiting your ability to build muscle.

In short, if you want to drink alcohol, stick to spirits and intersperse with water to help your body recover as fast as possible.

Selection of spirits behind a bar - Photo by Ibrahim Boran on Unsplash

Try our Goprotein Training Recovery Formula 2:1 – The drink is intended for athletes that require an energy drink during exercise and a protein drink to help muscle growth, muscle repair and maintain muscle mass. 

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