Build Up To Bodybuilding

Are you considering starting some weight training and bodybuilding? Here are some top tips to build up to it safely.

Tips for building up to bodybuilding safely

  • Learn good form – Learning good form using weights is an important part of the journey. If you dive in with no instruction, you can end up hurt. Alongside the safety aspect, your progress will be hindered without good form.
  • Be aware of any old injuries – All too often people take up a new workout regimen without fully taking into account any old injuries. Especially if they involve core or back issues – these can derail training quickly and cause permanent damage. If you take them into account and advise your trainer, you can save yourself a world of pain.
  • Add more protein to your diet – Eat more eggs, chicken, fish, milk and nuts. You will notice that it is sometimes hard to eat as much protein as you need in bodybuilding, so adding protein shakes into your routine is a good idea.
Compression clothing
  • Steer clear of processed and sugary foods – If you want to work towards being a bodybuilder, you will need to cut out the junk and work with foods that will give your body long-lasting fuel and nutrition.
  • Stick to dumbbells and barbells to start – It’s easy to get drawn in by all the high tech equipment at gyms, but actually, using free weights is the most effective when starting out your journey to bodybuilding. They also encourage good form!

Try our training and recovery formula powder for your post workout protein fix!

Start Training For A Half Marathon

Anyone can run a half marathon. It just takes practice and the right gear. And a resilient mindset. Use our whey protein products to help build that great lean muscle needed for running.

Get good running shoes

Start by getting comfortable running shoes, the rest of your gear is less important. It pays to go to a running specialist store, where they can assess your running gait and ensure you have the best type of shoe. Running in ill-fitting shoes can give you long-lasting injuries.

Photo by Malik Skydsgaard on Unsplash

Create a schedule

Create your schedule. It should be two days of running 2 miles separated with 20-30 minutes on the cross-trainer. Day 4 is also the cross-trainer. Take a day off and then run 3 miles. Repeat each week but add a mile to the end of the week run every time.

Within 12 weeks you’ll be ready and capable of running the half marathon! Adding in strength training will help to increase your speed, but it’s not essential to completing the half marathon.

GoProtein Training & Recovery Formula

To aid in your half-marathon goals, try our training and recovery formula. This is a carbohydrate-electrolyte drink with high protein content and added vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that benefit active people. Perfect to help support your body through this training.

The Perfect Post Workout Routine

What you do post your workout is as important as the work you do training. Your body has been pushed and you must look after it when you are cooling down, to avoid injury and slow recovery time.

Post Workout Cool Down


These aren’t the same stretches as you did BEFORE your workout. Your cool down stretches are designed to release the tension in your muscles and aid in recovery time. Static stretches can help to avoid delayed muscle soreness too. Consider using a foam roller for those really sore areas.

Weigh yourself

This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s important to check your hydration levels after a workout. If you have too much fluid loss, it means you haven’t had enough water / isotonic drinks. Weighing yourself on a smart scale can help avoid the effects of dehydration.

Sip on a Protein Shake

Take advantage of the anabolic period after a workout and also help your body recover quicker by sipping on a protein shake post training. Your body will be craving protein and carbs, but food takes a while to digest, so a shake is better to start with.

Try our whey protein shakes for your pre and post workout go-to boost!

Bodyweight Routine From Home

You can still get in shape for summer even if you can’t get to the gym. Try this routine to shift bodyweight from home.

You’ll need to exercise for 45 seconds, rest for 15 and repeat for the next exercise.  That’s one round, you’re aiming to do 5!

Bodyweight routine

  • Leg Crunch Squat

Sit on an imaginary chair and, as you stand, push one leg up to touch your arm. Your arms are up as your hands are interlocked behind your head.

  • Plank With Attitude

Adopt a high plank, arms straight, hands on the floor. Hold the pose as you touch your left shoulder with your right hand. Then do left hand to right shoulder. Then create an upside-down ‘V’, by pushing your butt upward, left hand to right ankle, and right hand to left ankle.

  • Lunges

Legs shoulder-width apart, push out on one side making your leg straight. Straighten and repeat on the other side.

  • Extensions

Lie down, you deserve a rest! Lift your chest off the ground put your hands next to your ears. Push them straight forward and back.

If you can’t do 5 rounds to start, do as many as you can and improve slowly.

Woman Exercising With Dumbbell At Home. Feeling great inside and out! Age is no excuse to slack on your health. Portrait of smiling senior woman holding dumbbell.

Try our diet whey slimming products to help your journey!

How To Start Working Out Again

The lockdown has made it difficult to keep training and exercising. You may need to ease yourself back into the routine.

How to start

Start by doing any exercises you can at home. Then book your gym slot, your fitness doesn’t matter, being there does. Don’t expect too much from the first workout. There will be new systems to be aware of. Simply turning up is three-quarters of your battle.

Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

Small steps towards working out again

Once there, start with your favourite exercise and reduce the intensity of your training, you can increase it and be back to where you were in a matter of weeks.

Take plenty of rests and enjoy the experience. You’ll want to make it a positive experience so that you come back again!

Staying Clean At The Gym

COVID-19 should have changed everyone’s attitude to the gym. Here’s the best way to stay clean at the gym.

Tips for staying clean (and healthy) at the gym

  • Never wear the same clothes twice without washing them
  • Use antibacterial wipes on your cell phone, other electronics, and the machines you’re using
  • Water bottles should be washed after every session
  • A towel helps eliminate sweat and creates a barrier to the machine if necessary
  • Wash your hands or sanitize before and after every session
  • Don’t touch your face
  • Skip it if you’re feeling unwell

Stick to the rules, they’re for the benefit of everyone.

Be aware of your surroundings

The benefits of having a larger gym, where you can spread out, are particularly important at the moment. Choose areas away from others if you can, sanitise, and remember to not touch your face. Sweat bands are good to minimise your temptation to touch your face.

Use our Sterizar Antibacterial Handwipes at the gym for added protection and convenience.

Should I Wear Compression Clothing?

You don’t need to, but there are several reasons why you might want to wear compression clothing.

Reasons to wear compression clothing while training

Compression clothing is a great way to outline your new physique. But, it can also aid the recovery process, both from a training workout and an injury.

It increases blood flow to an area, improving nutrient flow, and keeping the area warm. This prevents inflammation and helps reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It can also help to spread the load, reducing the stress on a poorly joint.

Woman doing sit ups - Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

If you have an injury compression gear can help you to maintain your routine. It can also simply make you feel better about exercising because it’s snug, doesn’t ride up and is comfortable.

Wearing the right kind of workout gear can help with confidence and push you further with your training too.

See our range of GoProtein Whey Powders for adding protein to your diet