Should I Wear Compression Clothing?

You don’t need to, but there are several reasons why you might want to wear compression clothing.

Reasons to wear compression clothing while training

Compression clothing is a great way to outline your new physique. But, it can also aid the recovery process, both from a training workout and an injury.

It increases blood flow to an area, improving nutrient flow, and keeping the area warm. This prevents inflammation and helps reduce Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. It can also help to spread the load, reducing the stress on a poorly joint.

Woman doing sit ups - Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

If you have an injury compression gear can help you to maintain your routine. It can also simply make you feel better about exercising because it’s snug, doesn’t ride up and is comfortable.

Wearing the right kind of workout gear can help with confidence and push you further with your training too.

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