Weightlifting Tips For Beginners

It’s really important, when you start your weightlifting journey, to start slow and build your skill, confidence and technique. From GoProtein to you, here are our weightlifting tips for beginners:

Tips for beginners working towards weightlifting

Work on your fitness

You can’t go from zero to hero in a heartbeat, so begin your journey by building basic fitness. Use our 30-minute beginner’s workout routine to get you into a fitness headspace on build your basic fitness up before beginning your weightlifting journey.

Take care of your nutrition

While you build up to bodybuilding, nutrition plays a huge part in what your body can handle and how it recovers. In order to give your body the fuel it needs, consider using our Whey Bodybuilding Protein as a supplemental pre and post boost. As well as adding protein to recipes either via whole foods or added protein powder.

Don’t underestimate the importance of stretching

We talk about the importance of stretching in any workout or weightlifting routine, and it’s true! Take the time to warm up and warm down, your muscles will thank you for it.

Start with light weights

It may be tempting to dive in and push your body – but this can lead to injuries. Learning correct form is paramount, so start with weights where you can easily do the reps with good form before moving onto heavier weights. If you progress too quickly, you will lose form and risk injury in the longterm.

Limit Workouts to 30-45 mins

You want to avoid muscle fatigue and burnout, so when starting out, ensure that you don’t overdo it. Have a pre-workout protein shake, and work hard for a limited workout time. We also suggest that you rest in between sets – for around 1 minute. This will help avoid muscle fatigue and allow you to use your 30-45 minutes efficiently. Work smarter not harder!

Good luck with your weightlifting journey!